(I have arrived - my last day as a pilgrim)!!!
Last night I had a lil adventure finding dinner. Believe it or not, I ate at McDonalds - its the homesickness thing. I saw a sign coming into LaStorta indicating it was 3 minutes away, and saw a similar sign right in front of my Ostello,. But the amusing part is it took me about an hour or so to find it and an extra mile of walking as I kept going back and forth....funny how I can walk across part of a continent, but cant find McDonalds - which ended up being on the same road as my Ostello!!!!
I started the day early as is my custom and took a photo before I left - though in one I already look tired - perhaps as I did not have my prima colazione (breakfast - but more importantly coffe yet!). I also took a pic of my normal Italian breakfast (cappucino and croissant with crema). The walk this morning had some surprisingly lovely bits before I hit the city, then it was a bit overwhelming, but easy to follow. I walked through a lovely forested area, then on top of a hill overlooking all of Rome.
I wanted to be really present this morning, so I put on a selection of favorite songs. As I neared the end of my journey, my emotions came bubbling forth and one of the things that age has given me is recognizing that allowing these to come forth and not stifle them is a tremendous gift to me. So I focused on no one, and just let the tears and emotion come forth.
But even more amazing is that as I walked thru the port and into St Peters Square, the song that helped me get up that damn mountain came on - "Can't Give Up Now" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37PCbh9KppA). This song is like 5 minutes long and I just stood in the center of St Peters Square and cried and laughed and snotted and all....it was a wonderful celebration of this journey and my adventure thru all of life. It was so perfectly timed, that it makes me believe in somthing bigger than me that has walked with me every step......
The line to visit the Basilica of St Peter was about a 1/4 mile long, but for Pilgrims, we get to go around back so to speak. After my rucksack was scanned (like the airport), I was taken in a back gate passed thru the Swiss Guard and then led into a private office, where I took a quick selfie and was worried I might get arrested - so I did it quick. Then I received my official Testimonium and my stamp. I was hoping to get in to the Basilica too, but this did not happen.
It has been an amazing journey - one I will never forget....in a couple of days, I will write one more time...a reflection of this, but for now...a shower, a nap, some trendy (and NON STINKY) clothes and a lil exploration.