Sure it was small for us, but it was just a couple months and it was paving the way for us to have a grand adventure in Ireland. 16 months later and three failed attempts to secure a Visa, I gave up this dream and began rebuilding my life in Dallas. I began looking for new work, I put a downpayment on a three

Fast forward four months, I have now been in Munchen (how we Deutsch - not Dutch - say it) for just over two months. Most of this time has been spent in a one-room apartment, an upgrade to the garage, but not by much. Two weeks ago, my sons arrived in Deutschland and we moved into our new home. Instead of a one-room home, we each have a room of our own and three more to share.

I love our new home for what it is and what it is not. It is a place unlike any I have ever lived - a top floor apartment in a trendy and busy area of Munchen - Schwabing. I am tempted to say penthouse, but this conjurs up images that are not accurate. It is beautiful and comfortable without being posh or pretentious that I think of as penthouse. We live in the heart of a beautiful and bustling city - well maybe not the heart, but for sure the liver, lungs or other vital organ.
We live a block away from Hohenzollernplatz, a wonderful little plaza

The sun shines in the wall of glass in my bedroom every morning about 5:00 now that it is summer. I don't mind this. I love waking to the brisk air blowing in through the open door of my balcony and rising before the city does. Perhaps in a prior life I was a rooster.

Here I have settled again, in a place that truly nutures me and provides space for us all. And though I fell "settled" in a way I haven't for a while, it is still not home because we are as the Deutsch say, "Auslanders" - Foreigners. And as wonderful as my home may be, as comforting and nurturing - as big and spacious - as beautiful and well positioned, until we are no longer auslanders, we won't really be home.
So perhaps I am still a nomad after all, just with a nicer tent.
1 comment :
Hi Michael, Sounds like you are settling in. You are braver than I, committing to a country where you start out an "auslander" is definitely character building! I am so happy you have such a great apartment and location. Hope the kids are settling in nicely and that you get some time to travel in August! I saw this quote and thought about you.
"Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living." –- Miriam Beard
With love, Sylvia
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