Sunday, May 20, 2018

Camino Del Norte - Day 3 - Zarautz to Deba - 24km



Who ever said, that a pilgrimage ain't like a Sunday walk on the beach? Well for me that's exactly how the day began; with a lovely sunny morning and a walk along the coast. I thought it was going to be a light day, as I did half the walk this way with virtually no incline; and even hit a cafe after only an hour walk. The omens appeared good.....NOT SO FAST!

It's weird beginning these pilgrimages - or maybe making any change; as I find my internal monologue whining allot; even when I was on the sunny ocean front path. I was laughing as I was thinking, "If I could only record this." But I guess that's what happens with change - its uncomfortable, and we long for familiarity. Hell maybe this is a genetic survival trait. But I know that in the past, I move from, "Why am I doing this?" to "This ain't so bad, and really is wonderful in that the daily grind of my life is removed, and all I have to decide is where to eat and sleep. I guess walk too; but often this is laid out for me with arrows guiding the way.

I have also spent the first few nights in hotels; and not in the albergues - pilgrim hotels. So while I have made some acquaintances, the end of the days have been a bit lonely. Last night eating in a beach front restaurant, I longed for company and conversation. I tend to be a bit shy at first. So my plan is to stay at an albergue tonight and do this for the next few nights to make some pilgrim friends.

I did the first half , 12K - in just a few hours; and opted to take a shorter second half - that instead of going inland, was a "shorter path, but a little strenuous" ... LITTLE MY ARSE! It was indeed very lovely and I found some beaches where Game of Thrones was filmed - though I didn't know it at the time. In fact I also found out that Dragonstone is also nearby; and I'm thinking of veering my trip to see this.

The beginning was lovely and a "little strenuous," but then we got to GoT Beaches - YOU KNOW NOTHING JON SNOW. These hills were incredibly steep climbs; with a series of ups and downs that seemed unending. One huge climb in the middle, I could see people at the WAY top and it kept messing with my mind - thinking do I have to go ALL the way up? Truth was I didn't, and this is part of the shift.

Mental energy is so powerful; it is so easy to psyche yourself out; instead of up. I wonder if the overcast first day actually helped me mentally as I could not see how high  was going to have to climb,

Even with a great break spot with food truck and refill of water; I drank all my water during the climbs with still about 4K more climbs left to go. I was down to rationing my water at the end. And was making frequent pauses on each climb. Memories of a bad day in Italy came back to mind. I made the mistake of video-chatting with mom, during one of these, and the first thing she said was you look tired, I guess it was showing -e even thousands of miles away.

Later I came out onto the road and there was a two story overpass to climb to go back into the woods and cover another hill. Thoughts of hitchhiking and taxis came to mind. But I did a google map search for the city and saw I could again follow the street along the coast and make it home. So a relatively quick jaunt down (YEAH!!!) I made it to the beach and enjoyed a fanta and an ice cream - nothing tasted so good!

Tired and exhausted; I opted for another hotel stay. Which was awesome as it had a bathtub. To me finding a nice hotel bathtub  while hiking is the equivalent of flying first class. So a hot bath, a nap, and a nice walk to the city which was having a street carnival/ festival, followed by a nice and hearty dinner.  Day finally over.

So don't worry folks; and don't discount the walks. Part of this is just about getting my pilgrim legs and mind. I finished today at 3:00 - which is pretty fast; and there is no reason not to take a long pause/ nap in the middle of the day. I also did not plan well for water and food. Again these are things, that though I do know, seem. to take me a few days to get back into the rhythm.

So anyway - hoping I get that rhythm back - SOON, cause tomorrow is another bear, calling for rain and supposedly no food/ restaurants etc along the way.

So say a prayer, light a candle, do an interpretive dance - or whatever it is you do do, for the pilgrim - he probably needs it!

Buen Camino!

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