Today was another challenging day with many climbs and descents over 15 miles, but with about half the elevation of yesterday and a big carb meal last night ( I ate a whole pizza and fríes), it should have gone better.
I realized late yesterday adding to my problems with the big climbs, I did not eat dinner the night before, and I am burning up the calories so I need to eat and eat big.
Today the culprit was not my body or energy, but my head. You know that sometimes horrible voice that knocks you down. The morning went well with a big climb and completed the first third feeling good, but then another big climb came... not as big, not as steep and on a good trail, but I totally wussed out, like I was on the hill yesterday (where I had no problem being awuss).
All of these negative thoughts kept me from what I know I can do... this was not that high and not that steep, but I kept stopping to catch my breath instead of slowly lowering through. I even took a final break 13 mins from the alburgue... after an all down hill run.
My head was doing a number on me...
You are too old for this
You didn't train enough
You should quit
The caminos are done for you
These hike are tough, take another break. ( even when they were little.
Today I lost the mental battle, I was tired but not as much as my mind made me feel.
I have decided if it happens again I may take a shorter day tomorrow. There is an alburgue at 9 miles, while the end is another 14 or 15.
Tonight I am a wonderful alburgue that provides dinner (13€ for pasta, + main course - choice of meat, salad, and potatoes, + bread, wine and dessert) and breakfast 3€.
So I should be well powered up for tomorrow. Hopefully my pilgrim head gets cleared.
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