Today was a great day, so much so that I decided to change my name to the the name of the village I ended in, Caborredondo. And whenever you say it you should have this background music.
Last nights alburgue in Boo was wonderful, great place, great food, wonderful pilgrim company.
Today was one of my strongest walking days, even though many hills and sun, I didn't really notice much of a change when climbing and finished strong.
Started with a short train ride as you are no longer able to walk along tracks and over train Bridge... think the scene in Stand by Me.
I walked with a Dutch lady, who became my pace horse... each helping the other stay strong and steady. As we finished up the day with the last three miles to Caborredondo, it became our inside joke that this was my new name and this helped us finish strong even with big hills at end.
Came across this weird snail phenomenon where they were congregating on posts and electric lines. Not sure why🤔
Walked through beautiful ancient city, Saltillo del Mar, but a bit touristy now, but still beautiful.
The downside was the entire way was on paved roads though some with nice views. This tends to help the climbing (not so steep), but is hard on the feet.
By chance, got the last bed in the alburgue here which is the family home of a Swiss man and Italian lady who really embody the spirit of the Camino. Lovely home with dinner, breakfast included and they also washed All our clothes! 😲 All for free with a non descript donation box.
The reviews are stupendous and I look forward to dinner and another good walk tomorrow.
Ciao from Caborredondo!
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