Today was another crappy day of walking, I would have been happy to take the train 14 miles entirely along a busy highway. IT SUCKED. I walked about 10 or 11, then got on the bus.
Another new source of anxiety as this is a different system, but no hitches...all went well.
The best think that happened is I saw a hill and NO RISE FIELDS for past 2 days! Though my body looks like I have the measles from so many mosquito bites. San Rocco is Patron Saint oif Pilgrims, giving up wealth to travel and help the ill and his later life he was infected with something so supposedly would reveal his inflinction...maybe I should too?
In Fiorenzuola, I looked around the city, tried to get some inidan food, but the lunch crowd ate it, and then had an incredible evening walk that I imagine will linger in my mind when I think of Italy....
I walk out my door about 9:15pm, the sun has set, but it is not dark. The temperature has dropped early and it is warm but comfortable. The yellow street lights bath the night in an amber glow. Starlings dart and chase each other in the sky I can see above me between the buildings. I pass a little cafe nested in the church, it a grapevine enclosure with an older couple and then 3 little ladies, each having a conversation of their day. I turn the corner to see a young couple eyeing the merchandise in a home store. The wife is scanning the merchandise for every detail, meanwhile the young man shifts back and forth, I think wanting to gget to the cafe for a biera or home to see football (not US football). Arouns another corner, a larger cafe is full of older men sitting in groups of 2's and 3's, teasing, smoking, drinking laughing....
There is somthing about the life here that breathes connection. It seems most of life takes place outside even in the heat and revolves around connections to your friends, your family your neighbors. I feel like we miss some of this in the US and that simply the sturcutre of living here feeds connection. Maybe I am just a bit dreamy tonight, but I go to be with a million thoughts.
It is hard to sleep in the heat and I wonder in this hot humid place, why air conditioning is still a rarety in hmes and even businesses. It intriques me, but then I think, maybe we americans are too soft. We say if we give a child everything, they will become a spoiled brat. Arent we in some ways doing the same as adults...trying to fix every discomfort and inconvenience as soon as possible. Maybe life should have a bit of discomfort, just to keep us real...and NOT BRATS.
The picture to the right is of a gas station and bar...thought it was maybe a little bit of a mixed message---eh?
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