JUNE 18: Aulla to Sarzana:
Last night, the village was dead after dinner. I wonder if this is because of the city in a way being killed in the war. The city is all new and does not have the structure or form that most cities do that promote community - piazzaz, etc. It makes me think that how we build our structures forms somewhat how we live our lives. If we want community or connection, we must build spaces that invite us in, not shut us out. I think of Dallas and how now even our yards and gardens are walled off, creating separation not connection. It makes me a little sad.

TODAY the walk was TOUGH, but beautiful. We passed a very high village BILBOA and climbed and descended on very difficult and narrow paths full of stones. I twisted my ankles many times, but none severley...luckily. Also many passes were very close to the edge and very narrow. I just kept moving forward and had little problems. One one pass, I found a VERY HAPPY DAISY who was dancing in the wind...make sure you look close at this pic, it is amazing and funny and captures the spirit of the walk...most days! The progress was slow and my travelling mate, Sigrid, had a few problems in the woods....it is important when you are a pilgrim that your toilet paper does not ROLL away from you down the mountain!!!! Later in the day, the views were amazing including that of the Mediterraneo....which I reach tomorrow.
Sarzanna is a lovely city with a HORRIBLE OSTELLO for pilgrims. It was dirty with mattresses on the floor, but it was our home for the night. We had dinner at a lovely cafe- pizzeria and I had the COWBOY PIZZA which included corn, beans and potatoes...an interesting mix. We laughed long into the night of our adventures during the day.
JUNE 19: Sarzana to Massa:
Massa is on the sea, and today I spend the day in the city and on the beach....perhaps more story to come.
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