Yesterday with a lot of afternoon time, I decided to plan the rest of my time and decided I will NOT be able to walk all the way to
Rome, not the way i wish too...that is I dont want to walk 20 - 30 miles per day. I will end each day exhausted and be moving to fast to enjoy. So I have chosen to slow down through Tuscany and skip some sections later as I near Rome, thinking these to be more hot.

I pass a lovely villa with a pool and so want to stay here a day or two, or even just 30 minutes to swim and relax...I imagine a cafe by the pool....This morning it feels not as hot and the walk is lovely again with a few hills and some paths that are not busy highways. The day is lovely and quickly I see a range of hills and small mountains, called the little Alps (Alpinees)
I also am forced to use the MANs TOILET in a bar this morning, which to me feels like I am in the gym as you must squat over the hole...I dont quite understand why women get a seat and we do not. Up until now, in the country cafes, I have simply snuck into the ladies one.
I dont walk too far and am in the city before noon. i hope to find a washing machine and de-stink again.
I feel recharged after a couple down days,
I know it is good to be alone and yet am lonely too, It is a dance I do every day. And last night was wonderful, just enjoying the people and the place. I imagine people I know living this way, I easily see my father, who was a mailman sliding into a cafe and joking with locals, or my mom with her sisters or friends.
I like this picture and it makes me less lonely, thinking of home and here in some weird mixed up story....
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