So last night at the Gites (Pilgrim Hotel), I rand into "Dandelion", an Austrailian I had briefly met earlier along the way as he had made friends with others that I was friends with. I also rand into a lovely lady named Josey (Josey & the Pussycats) who I had met earlier as well. She is another inspriation to me, she is tiny and in her 60's or 70's and every night I see her inthe kitchen, she obviously walks with some pain, but she continues on through the hills and mud and more. A few days ago, I came up her "stealing" cherries in a cherry orchard, it was so cute , her look of guilt and surprise. .
I also met a couple new pilgrim friends, Jill a cattle farmer from Austrailia and Lucy (lulu) & Bernarhd from France. I nicknamed her Lucille Ball - it helps to create nicknames when meeting new people to remember their names. It turns out Lucy works in the Lindt Choclate factory, so I found the famous lucy clip in the chocolate factory and shared with her.
There was a nusical festival in town in the evening where they served TEX-MEX Barbecue - now aint that a shit!'
Today I started walking with Dandelion, and was quite surprised when he took his shorts off once we got outside the village - he likes to walk in his biking shorts, and keep his shorts clean - as I believe he has only one set of clothes. He is taking a year sabbatical from his life and work - to find himself - and doing this by stripping away all but the essentials - hence the clothing is a metaphor for this.
He walks with a steady and strong pace, and the day went by fast as we seemed to talk the entire way through. At 23 km, we stopped in a lovely small village for an omellette. This was meant to be my ending point, but I decided to continue on with him and to my surprise, I finished strong - tired, but strong.
A great night sleep ensued to an easier day tomorrow....
Bon Nuit!
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