Friday, June 10, 2016

Day 7: June 10: Conques >> Livinhac (25km)


How did you start your day?

Today , I started the day climbing approximately 100 stories - about 500 meters - thats a hell of a lot of stairs. Conques is in the valley and we had to climb out, it was a tough climb, but as I have said, I am growing stronger each day.

From there it did not get much better with many hills and valleys, going through a "new" industrial town and ending with another 2 km of up then back down -  ohh la la.

One cool thing is we crossed over the Meridien line - the line from north pole to south pole and thru Paris! 

It was also a quiet day seeing very few pilgrims along the way - it seems we are starting over.

Not much else....Bon Nuit.

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