Today was not a bad walking day, of course it started with a blood pumping climb, but nothing near yesterday's 100 story one. At the top the path leveled out and was mainly wide route across the top of mountains, with some lovely views and cool misty lighting shots, etc.
The day started great as I left at 6:00, which is when I like to leave, but is often hard to do in a Gites, as I dont want to disturb others by getting up and gettmg my pack, etc. But unlike most days, there were no cafes or bars along the way, so I hauled food with me. This makes the day a bit tougher mentally - I am not exactly sure why, but its nice to stop for a coffee or coke along the way or a snack.
But late in my 7 hour walk, I just mentally checked out - and could not find my earphones to use music to get me through. The walk became harder, not physically, but mentally. I think this pilgrim is changing, Being my third walk, I know longer feel so compelled to do many of the things I did on earlier walks, one of which is simply to continue the pilgrimage each day.
I am thinking of just staying here another day and resting, and looking about the town, but am worried I will let Siggy down. Which of course is the challenge when traveling with others - you want the trip to be your own, but you also want to stay connected. And on these pilgrimages, if you stop a day, you often lose "Your Gang" because they are now a day ahead of you.
I am not sure what the rest of the pilgrimage holds for me, and I feel a bit sad as if I have lost some of what I liked, but now I wonder how the hell did I walk every day for 2 months on the Italian walk.
Hell I mean we take days off from work, so shouldn't pilgrims get a day off too?
Bon Nuit!
1 comment :
My dear baby must remember why you chose to walk again. Was it to reconnect with yourself or the others who you walked with before?? Be kind to yourself and enjoy the marvels that lay ahead of you!!! Love ya
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