With all the recent news of long lines at airport, I go 3 hours early and yet get thru security in 15 minutes...with my rather large backpack in tow. The lady stopped me and asked me if I checked the size and I told a wee fib and said an agent man helped me do this and so I snuck thru. This worked until I arrived in Chicago and while waiting in line to board a MUCH BIGGER aircraft in a PREMIUM coach seat, my sack was confiscated by a large mean and ugly agent (ok so not really, but it makes for a better story - no?) and relegated with all the other non-adventure luggage to the belly of the plane...let the angst begin!!!

While waiting to board the aircraft we were informed that the plane had a faulty/ flat tire which needed to be changed, so we would depart late. Did I mention that I already had some angst, well with a two-hour layover in Germany, I did not have alot of time to make my connection in general, but now this was likely even less...where is the Zanax when you need it. Perhaps this is a good business mnodel for a doctor - set up shop at the airport for last minute anxiety attacks!
Two hours late we are in the air, yes two hours -- quel coincidence! On the plain the tv flight channel indicates we will arrive in Frankfurt about 8:30am; my connecting flight is at 9:05.So sitting in my seat, with NO COMPLIMENTARY CHAMPAGNE, I realize that shit happens all the time, life does NOT go as planned and I can sit and fret about what might occur or I can let it go. Of course, complimentary champagne, might have made this easier. Hell and after all I am on a pilgrimage, so I should act sort of pious and pilgrim-like right?
Upon arrival at gate Z50, I find my connecting flight leaves out of A4 - I am NOT KIDDING...I sort of giggle as I run OJ style (am I allowed to still use this reference?) and make it to my gate at 8:57 - YIPPIE!!! But the agent tells me the plane left and I swear she said the time on my ticket is when it takes off....WHAT THE - ok lets stop there, pilgrim etiquette and all. take a breath and realize - maybe not a bad thing as there was no way in ...whoops pilgrim is going to have to curb this shit. oh heck! back to my thought - no way my bags would make that flight and better to be late with my bags then arrive ontime without them.
So now a new three hour layover until my flight ...boring except for the fact that at least half the people in the cafe were having beer at 9:00 am instead of coffee - you got to love those krauts (wait can I say Kraut?). Anyway boring wait, small plane ride to Lyons and next adventure ensues...I need a SIM CARD for my specially bought UNLOCKED cell phone - thank you amazon ($39) and I need to get to LePuy.
Buy a sim card at airport, the clerk installs it and seems to work - check!
Ask information desk for directions to LePuy and she does not know this village...ut oh - did I pick wrong airport - shit - screw that pilgrim etiquette! She calls a taxi who quotes the ride as 350 EUROS - about $500 - yeah about to hear some more cursing. I decide to take the express train to Lyon center city and see whats up there.
OMG the crowds in the center city train station - now about 4pm are wild - it is a zoo.Everyone waits in the center until about 15 mins before departure when they announce the track, and then its a foot rac to your track. With some help from several agents - actually 4 or 5, I figure out the ticket to buy and how to validate my ticket and that the I have to change trains in St Etienne, no actually I change from train to bus ...ah this is getting a bit exhausting as I have now been going for over 24 hours with little sleep. Of did I mention the train strike which is why my trip is now an extra 3 hours longer by bus.
Luckily my cell phone works and I text the hotel who gives me late check in information and directions from the drop off point - interestingly the directions had no words that indicated direction like left or right, so after the three hour ride, I head off and 3 blocks later simply ask a later where Rue Raphael is or Place de Plot. to which she replies with a bad look of ut oh, "C'est loin" (Thats far) and then she says her car is here, she will take me - no fricking kidding!!!
She drops me at my hotel, Une Coquille sous L'Oreiller an awesome 200+ year old hotel and my room is on the 5th floor - yippie with no elevator - well I had been meaning to do some training to get in shape, so why complain - right? It was lovely except when I awoke in the middle of the night freezing cold, almost near death before I even begin (dont you love the cliff hangers). And then I realized I had fallen asleep on top of the bed, so I got under the covers and lived happily ever after...until morning! Bon Nuit!
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