Saturday, May 17, 2014

MAY 17: Paris France:

Beautiful day - staying 2 blocks from the Moulon Rouge with an old friend, Pierre, who is walking with me the first few days.

I think it was Einstein who said, there are two ways of looking at life - either everything is a mystery or nothing is. On the flight last night, I watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - a story about a man seeking adventure and then stepping outside his world. Shirley Maclaine was in the movie and it was her book CAMINO, that led me to want to do my first pilgrimage in Spain five years ago.

So taking a page, from Einstein, I am choosing to see this as a blessing or good omen for my trip.

Buen Camino!

1 comment :

Unknown said...

Praise God that you arrived safely!!! I know you well brother and know that YOU walk the talk. So wish I could be there to share this with you. It has to be an amazing journey no matter how short or far you make it. Be safe & ENJOY every second of this adventure!!! Love you, Vicki