Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 34: June 21: Camaoire to Lucca (24 km - 15 miles - 475 total)

Last night I stayed in an Osteria - which best as I can tell is like a religious school and community center. It was not so nice, but a free bed and shower, one should not complain and the people were very nice  (Molto gentile).

It was a nice evening, I notice that a narrow street with high buildings creates shady sèpots most of the day, and the main street was one long street through the entire village allowing a nice breeze throughout the day.

My guide warned me that the second half of today would be without any shops or cafes, so I packed heavy with food and drink, but the second half was just 12 km and mostly flat. Meanwhile I added about 5 lbs to my sac which did not feel so good. Especially as the first hour was a climb of over 1000 feet. Its not so much the height, but the paths, mostly narrow and stony. Going up is strenuous and going down treachorus. But I did well.

And I guess I am getting much stronger as it was a quick day, arriving just aftern noon. I also seem to be more comfortable using the great outdoors - hell it aint much different than using one of those men,s toilets. This cracks me up as I dont feel all that outdoorsy, but today I didnt even think about where next village was, justy hopped in the woods and took care of business.

Some nice views and good timing today on my walk, as I said I am definitely getting stronger. Lucca is an incredible city totally walled around, but overrun with tourists - though this did make it easy to find the Tourist Office, there is three!. I guess I really am opne too, but in my mind I am Michele (Mi-Kel-ee) the peregrino. It is completely walled in, and packed with shops and restaurants - tonight I think I splurge a little and eat some nice pasta and wine...I still cannot imagine eating the italian way with 2- 4 courses....I would not be able to walk.

The Ostello here is amazing it is a 3-bedroom apartment, fully appointed, and again all siimply for donation. They tell me it is full tonight (4 people), but I have my own room which I like. I also did some laundry (in the sink) as my shirt today started walking without me. The Stinky Tourist lives on!!!

And also finally I find a city, Lucca,  that gives me the credit I deserve, the largest and central piazza is for Saint Michael - - naturally. Tomorrow I walk only 16 km to Abbadia di Pozzeveri, but as it is Sunday, this always poses a problem in finding a bed.


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